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  • Let's Talk about Hormones!
    The information provided in this section is pulled from resources provided by Rowe Casa Organics and is comes with the following disclaimer from their team: "We LOVE helping people & will gladly give our personal recommendations on which products we think could help your situation/ailment. However, we are not doctors & we are not liable if something recommended does not work for you or you experience negative effects. Thank you for choosing Rowe Casa!" We realize the topic of hormones can feel really overwhelming, so we created this document to help! Before we jump in, we want to be clear that we are not doctors. So anything we share with you in our groups or this document is our opinion based on our research and experience. We will do all we can to help you find what products might work best for you, but please understand that balancing hormones is not a one size fits all approach. With everyone’s unique body chemistry, genetics, and needs, it can only be expected that each person will respond differently to each product. This document was created to help educate you and help you find the best fit of blends for your hormone-related issues! We also offer a Women’s Hormone Kit, which is a great way to get your hormone levels balanced. We combined 4 of our top-selling hormone blends that address key areas of imbalance in the body and included an informative insert to help you get started. Please know there could be an adjustment period to find what will work best for you. BUT don’t give up! We have hundreds of amazing testimonies from women who didn’t give up! So much of life is about showing up, so we are so proud of you for reaching out to us, doing your own research, and taking proactive steps toward more excellent health and wellness! We are excited, so... Let's jump in!
  • I struggle with Chronic Inflammation, what does this mean for my Cycle?
    This could be the main reason for your period problems. Chronic Inflammation blocks hormone receptors, impairs estrogen metabolism, and prevents ovulation and the production of progesterone.
  • I am taking "XYZ" prescription(s); can I use the hormone support blends with them?
    We always advise you to contact your doctor or pharmacist to ask them if any supplement or natural remedy is safe to take with your prescription.
  • Our 10 Hormone Support Blends
    Below is a list of our various hormone support options. Depending on your unique needs, you may gravitate towards one product over the other. The type that you should choose ultimately boils down to your hormonal needs, overall symptoms needing to be addressed, and your goals (general balance, trying to conceive, etc.). *Once you select a protocol you feel is best for you, we recommend you try to stick with it for at least 3 months because that is how long it takes your ovarian follicles to journey all the way to ovulation. Most importantly, we encourage you to listen to your body and do what it is telling you. P-Boost: This blend is for anyone needing hormone balancing who is mostly low in progesterone but also gives some help with estrogen balancing as well. Signs you may be low in progesterone are: irregular cycles or long cycles, heavy or long periods, decreased sex drive, bloating, ovarian cyst, and an inability to get pregnant. To use: Apply 2-3 drops on inner wrists, forearms, or lower abdomen 1-2 times daily during your entire cycle if you feel you are super low in progesterone or just on days 15-28 if only mildly low or have a regular cycle. Ovary Health: This blend was formulated to help with PCOS. It has all of the ingredients from the P- Boost drops but has extra oils to help with symptoms of PCOS, which include: irregular periods or complete absence, pain in pelvic region, hair loss, infertility, weight gain, insulin resistance, unwanted hair growth, acne, & fatigue. To use: Apply 2-3 drops on inner wrists, forearms, or lower abdomen 1-2 times daily during your entire cycle or just days 15-28 of your cycle. Healthy Uterus: This blend was formulated to help with endometriosis, cysts, and fibroids. Symptoms of endometriosis include: painful periods, difficulty getting pregnant, heavy menstrual periods, spotting or bleeding between periods, and pelvic pain. This blend has all the ingredients from the P-Boost but has extra oils to help with pain and dissolving cysts and fibroids. To use: Apply 2-3 drops 2-3 times daily on painful areas for best results. Apply 2-3 drops daily once the pain is manageable. Breast Health: This blend combats inflammation in the breast by fighting estrogen dominance in breast tissue that comes from environmental estrogen. It also helps with cysts and fibroids in breast tissue. To use: Apply 2-3 drops on each breast and massage into the skin once daily for only 3 months of the year. Repeat yearly. The anti-inflammatory effect can go away if used for longer durations, so we strongly recommend only using on breasts for 3 months out of the year and then taking a break for 9 months of no use. This information is based on Thermography imaging results, checking the breast tissue for estrogen dominance/inflammation. First Trimester Support: These are for anyone needing progesterone support during their first trimester of pregnancy. If you struggle with miscarriages, it could be because you are low in progesterone. We recommend using this during your first trimester to support healthy progesterone levels. If you have a history of pre-term labor, you can use these drops to support progesterone throughout your entire pregnancy. To use: Apply 2-3 drops on inner wrists, forearms, or lower abdomen 1-2 times daily, only during the first trimester of pregnancy. Period Relief: These are for anyone experiencing bloating, painful cramps, irritability, moodiness, sadness, headaches, low energy, joint pain, tender and swollen breast, brain fog, heavy menstrual period, food cravings, binge eating, and exhaustion during their period. To use: Apply 2-3 drops on inner wrists, forearms, or lower abdomen 1-2 times daily while discomfort persists. T-Balance: These are for men and women who are low or high in Testosterone. Symptoms of low testosterone in men include: low sex drive, lack of energy, difficulty achieving an erection, increase body fat, decreased muscle mass, low motivation, heightened emotions, hair loss, low semen count, and fatigue. Symptoms of low testosterone in women include: fatigue, muscle weakness, sluggishness, sleep disturbances, fertility issues, weight gain, low sex drive, thinning skin, poor memory and concentration, chronic stress, depression, and anxiety. Signs of high testosterone in males: acne, aggressive or risk-taking behaviors, excessive body hair, headaches, high blood pressure, high libido, and increased appetite. Signs of high testosterone in women are: acne, deep voice, excess hair on the face and body, increased muscle mass, irregular periods, loss of libido, irritability, and thinning hair. To use: Apply 2-3 drops on inner wrists, forearms, or lower abdomen 1-2 times daily. *Note: Women with PCOS have high testosterone levels. Menopause Relief: This blend is for anyone going through the estrogen rollercoaster of menopause. You may be low in estrogen if you experience: hot flashes, insomnia, hair loss or thinning, bone loss, breast tenderness, vaginal dryness, depression, slower metabolism, weight gain, bloating, irritability, vaginal loosening, fatigue, or dry skin. If you are premenopausal, in menopause, or had a hysterectomy or damage to your ovaries from chemo/radiation, this blend may be for you if you experience the symptoms listed above. To use: Apply 2-3 drops on inner wrists, forearms, or lower abdomen 1-2 times daily. *Note: If you are pre-menopausal or in menopause, have had a hysterectomy, or have had damage to your ovaries, you may find it beneficial to pair these with P-Boost and T-Balance. E-Balance: This blend was formulated to help balance Estrogen levels in women not going through menopause. It is common for women to either be estrogen dominant or low in estrogen, and either can keep their bodies from functioning optimally. Estrogen dominance can create a host of issues such as: weight gain, irritation, bloating, headaches, and fibroids. Low estrogen can contribute to: hot flashes, insomnia, mental fog, depression, low libido, and can affect your ability to ovulate. This blend was formulated to regulate estrogen levels and bring needed balance however it is needed. To use: Apply 2-3 drops on inner wrists, forearms, or lower abdomen 1-2 times daily your entire cycle or just days 1-14. Thyroid + Adrenal Support: This blend supports the thyroid, adrenals, and overall endocrine system. To use: Apply 2-3 drops on the front of your neck/throat area and both sides of your lower back area 1- 2 times daily for help with endocrine regulation or thyroid nodules. *For an easy way to get started balancing your hormones, we have a Women's Hormone Kit which includes E-Balance, P-Boost, T-Balance, and Thyroid + Adrenal support blends.
  • I have a very long cycle, and I want to support my progesterone and estrogen levels. How do I use the hormone support blends?
    Just use E-Balance for the first 1⁄2 of your cycle (days 1-14) and then switch to P-Boost (or another option containing progesterone) and use that for the other 1⁄2 of your cycle (days 15-28). Eventually, hormones should level out and your cycle should shorten. *Note: Too much progesterone can push out/delay your period starting. So, once you are balanced, you may want to discontinue use. *Also note: Not everyone needs extra progesterone.
  • I don't know which hormone support blend I need. What should I use?
    The Women's Hormone Kit is an easy place for all women to start using when looking to balance their hormones! For those unsure if their hormones are balanced or not, we recommend asking your doctor for a blood hormone test or doing a saliva test. HealthConfirm is one company that does saliva testing, but there are many companies out there doing it now. You can also look at the symptoms you are experiencing and see which blends might help support you based on that information. 1: The Follicular Phase The Follicular Phase begins with menstruation. Menstruation feels like the last part of your cycle, but it is considered day 1 of your cycle. Most women flow for 3-5 days. Menstrual clots are normal but should be few and small (dime sized). If you flow for more than seven days, you have prolonged bleeding. It can be due to things such as: PCOS, uterine polyps or fibroids, peri-menopause, or an anovulatory cycle. If you have heavy bleeding, it is most likely a hormonal imbalance of low progesterone and estrogen excess. Solution: use P-Boost to boost progesterone and help metabolize excess estrogen. If you have light bleeding but you ovulated, you have sufficient estrogen to ovulate, so you don't need to worry. If you have light bleeding and did not ovulate, you would want to boost estrogen (reducing stress and eating more would also be helpful). Solution: use E-Boost to bring your estrogen levels to balance. The length of your follicular phase depends in part on the amount of time it takes one dominant follicle to emerge. When the follicle is slow to mature, this phase will last longer. Your whole menstrual cycle will also be longer as a result. A long follicular phase means that it takes more time for your body to ovulate. This can be a result of a few different factors, some common ones are: Using birth control pills for a long time can lengthen your follicular phase. Low vitamin D levels have also been linked to a longer follicular phase. Women with a long follicular phase are just as likely to get pregnant as those with a statistically more normal follicular phase. Having a longer cycle should not affect your fertility. Estrogen is your happy hormone that stimulates mood and libido because it boosts the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine. One of its main jobs is stimulating your uterine lining to prepare for a baby. The more estrogen you have, the thicker your uterine lining will be and the heavier your period will eventually be. Fertile mucus or cervical fluid is stimulated by estrogen, which is why it is higher just before ovulation. The purpose is to help the sperm survive and get to the egg. Fertile mucus contains microscopic “sperm escalators” that hasten the sperm to your uterus. 2: Ovulation: Ovarian follicles contain one egg. Its health is critical to ovulation, and it takes 100 days to mature to ovulation. If your follicles were unhealthy for any part of that 100 days, it may result in problems with your period months later. Your dominant ovarian follicle is triggered by Luteinizing Hormone (LH) and ruptures to release its egg (ovulation). You may notice a twinge or mild pain on one or both sides of your lower pelvis. It might be stronger pain if it has been some time since you last ovulated (i.e. coming off the BC pill or recovering from PCOS). If you have consistent severe pain with ovulation, please check with your doctor to rule out ovarian cysts, endometriosis, infection, etc. The average day of ovulation is day 14 but don’t worry if it doesn’t happen then. If you have a longer cycle, your ovulation will be later. After ovulation, you will either be pregnant or you will get your period approximately two weeks later. Other possible signs of ovulation include: mild twinging pain (mittelschmerz) light bleeding or spotting abdominal bloating fluid retention breast tenderness To estimate when your next ovulation might occur: Count back approximately two weeks from the first day of your next expected/projected period. 3: The Luteal Phase After ovulation, you enter the Luteal phase (10-16 days), and progesterone increases. Progesterone is your key hormone for period health. Its biggest job is to hold and nourish a pregnancy - but it does a LOT more than that. Progesterone: counterbalances estrogen thins your uterine lining can lighten your period reduces inflammation builds muscles promotes sleep calms the nervous system – promoting relaxation. At the end of the Luteal phase, your corpus luteum shrinks and progesterone drops. This stimulates your uterus to contract and shed its lining. With enough progesterone present, your period will arrive smoothly with no premenstrual pain.
  • Charting your cycle for Natural Birth Control or Conception
    FACT: Your period is the report card for your hormones. Charting or tracking your cycle is essential to be in touch with what is going on with your body. Waking Temperature, or Basal Body Temperature (BBT), is your “under the tongue temperature” first thing in the morning after you wake up but BEFORE you get out of bed. Before ovulation: your waking temperature is between 97–97.7 degrees. After ovulation: progesterone increases your BBT by approximately 0.5 degrees and will remain higher until you have a period. This small but significant increase in temperature over a few days can tell you that you have ovulated already. Cervical Fluid is the sign to track that will tell you before you ovulate. Fertile fluid/mucus will have the look and consistency of egg whites (clear, stretchy, and slippery). You will usually see some form of fertile mucus during the days leading up to ovulation. Its purpose is to transport sperm rapidly through your uterus to your egg. If you are trying to prevent pregnancy, this is your red flag to abstain until after ovulation has occurred. If you are Trying to Conceive (TTC), this is your beacon of hope that reinforcements have arrived to carry that precious sperm to your egg. Please Note: it is possible to have Cervical Mucus (CM) on other days in your cycle that you are not ovulating, simply because your estrogen levels can fluctuate. You ONLY ovulate ONCE a month, but CM can come more than once. This is why it is imperative to chart and pay attention to more than just CM. Your cervix is at the bottom of your uterus where the opening is. In the days just before ovulation, your cervix position will be higher and softer. Another sign of ovulation is a surge in luteinizing hormone (LH), also known as a peak, which can be detected with a urine test strip. Start testing by at least day 8 of your cycle, and when you see a positive LH test, it usually means you will ovulate within the next 36-40 hours. Please Note: If you have PCOS, your LH readings may not correlate with ovulation. Instead, you may detect what appears to be an LH surge almost every day of your cycle. Menstruation is Day 1 of your cycle - “heavy/regular flow” (not spotting). The last day of your current cycle tracking will be the day before the first day of your period. When you track your BBT, CM, etc., you can confirm if you have ovulated and when you did. This will tell you exactly when your period will come. If you do not ovulate, this will let you know that something is off that needs to be addressed. It could be as simple as being under too much stress, not eating enough, or it could mean you have PCOS or a thyroid issue.
  • Suggested Hormone Blends for Progesterone Support
  • Additional Products for a Better Period!
    When we talk about balancing our hormones, We also want to look at bringing down and balancing cortisol. We can help that with using our Tart Cherry Sleep Support! Not only will this bring down inflammation and cortisol, our stress hormone, but will help you get incredible sleep nightly which is imperative for happy hormones and mood improvement!  In addition, and maybe the most important one, is our Magnesium Cream or Gel. Magnesium is crucial for hormonal health because it acts as a stabilizer for each and every hormone in our body. It also affects over 600 biochemical functions, we have to have it! This will also help with mood and feeling more balanced in the body in general. You can apply this to the feet at night. 
  • Possible Reasons to Miss a Period
    Besides hormonal imbalances, things like emotional or physical stress, illness, trauma, surgery, and undereating (too few calories or too few carbohydrates) can cause you to skip a period. Your hypothalamus will make the executive decision to temporarily suppress reproduction if it senses you are under too much stress/unhealthy and that making a baby would not be a good idea for your body.
  • I need to boost my progesterone and estrogen levels. How should I use the hormone support blends?
    For those who need to boost both their Progesterone and Estrogen should: support estrogen during days 1-14 of your cycle. support progesterone during days 15-28 of your cycle. *This is based on a generic 28-day cycle. Please make adjustments to your cycle length and estimate using E-Balance during the first 1⁄2 of your cycle and P-Boost during the 2nd 1⁄2 of your cycle. E-Balance will help support healthy ovulation and P-Boost will help support a lighter and shorter menstruation OR support implantation with progesterone. If you are very low in progesterone, you may benefit from using P-Boost every day of your cycle. You would then just add in the E-Balance on days 1-14 and use it alongside P-Boost. *Note: If conception occurs, switch to First Trimester Support once you know you are pregnant.
  • Suggested Hormone Blends for Estrogen Support
  • I have been diagnosed with Uterine Fibroids. What now?
    Uterine fibroids: These are common after age 35. Most of us have at least 1 or 2. Heavy menstrual bleeding often occurs because both conditions are caused by estrogen excess. Balance this be following the high estrogen protocol.
  • Let's talk about Birth Control
    1 in 3 women take Birth Control pills to regulate their period. Hormonal birth control (the pill) does not regulate hormones, it works by shutting down your ovaries and switching off your hormones entirely. You will have no sex hormones of your own when on the pill. Instead, steroid hormone replacements take over your body (specifically ethynylestradiol, drospirenone, levonorgestrel, and others). Depression, libido issues, weight gain, hair loss, etc. occur when natural hormones aren’t flowing through the body doing their multiple functions. PLEASE NOTE: When you get your “period” on the pill, it is not a “real” period. It is a pill-induced bleed, formally referred to as a “pill bleed”. A pill bleed is an effect of the drug that stimulates your uterine lining to shed. A real period is the finale in a series of hormonal events (each monthly cycle), but this does not happen on the pill. The synthetic hormones in the birth control pill shut down your ovaries, so this process cannot happen. We are not fans of the pill and feel that it is most beneficial to your overall health to pursue balancing hormonal issues naturally. When coming off the pill, many feel more balanced in mood, energy, libido, etc. You can develop problems such as post-pill acne, PMS, or a complete lack of a period (amenorrhea). The ethinylestradiol in birth control pills is four times stronger than our body's natural estradiol. Because of that, it is common to have withdrawals from synthetic estrogen steroids, and it can also bring on a surge in androgens after. Solution: Start using P-Boost and E-Balance one month before stopping birth control so your body doesn’t have such a harsh shift once the synthetic steroid hormones leave your system. For a more natural option that helps with Birth Control AND Trying to Conceive, please consider FAM (Fertility Awareness Method). PLEASE read Taking Charge of Your Fertility and check out their website to educate yourself on this method and how to properly chart and track. A woman is only fertile 6 days per cycle. You can determine which days you are fertile and then abstain from intercourse or use a barrier method for natural birth control (OR if TTC, this is your window to have intercourse to try for that baby!). Chart and track waking body temperature, cervical fluid, and cervix changes. Your fertile days are 5 days before ovulation (because that is how long sperm can survive) and one day after ovulation (because that is how long the egg can survive).
  • I have Low Progesterone, could that be impacting my Periods?
    Low Progesterone is associated with PCOS, premenstrual bleeding or spotting, prolonged or heavy periods, fibroids, acne, hair loss, PMS, and peri-menopause.
  • Suggested Hormone Blends Throughout your Cycle
  • How can I know if I’m in perimenopause yet?
    If your Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is higher than 40 IU/L on two occasions, a month apart, then you are beginning the menopause transition.
  • I am in menopause right now. Which hormone blend should I use?
    For those in menopause who are low in estrogen, progesterone, and likely testosterone, we recommend Menopause Support, P-Boost, T-Balance, and Thyroid + Adrenal Support.
  • What should a normal cycle look like?
    A healthy period will have 3 main phases: Follicular Phase- can last anywhere from 7-21 days Ovulation- lasts 1 day Luteal Phase- last 10-16 days This means a healthy cycle can range from 21-35 days, with 28 days being the average cycle length. If you have always had cycles longer than 35 days, you may have PCOS. If your cycle comes sooner than 21 days, that indicates an anovulatory cycle, short follicular phase, or short luteal phase. *Solution: For longer or shorter cycle length issues, you will benefit from increasing progesterone levels. Rowe Casa Organics has three options: P-Boost, Ovary Health, or Healthy Uterus.
  • I am experiencing Mid-Cycle Bleeding, what should I do?
    This can occur on the day of ovulation. It is common and normally caused by a mini-estrogen withdrawal. It can also be a sign of fibroids, endometriosis, pelvic infection, or uterine polyps. Check with your doctor if you are unsure.
  • I have no period. How do I use the hormone support blends?
    Your focus should be on increasing progesterone to bring on your period. Select one of our blends that contain progesterone that suits you best (P-Boost, Ovary Health, or Healthy Uterus) and apply these blends. You may choose to continue using them daily, as many do. If you feel that you want to try using them only on days 15-28, you can cut back to only using them on those days of your cycle. As a reminder, the first day of your period, is considered Day 1 of your cycle.
  • I'm not sure if I am ovulating OR I know I am not ovulating. Which hormone support blend should I use?
    To support ovulation, E-Balance will assist with balancing your estrogen levels and encourage ovulation. You can use E-Balance on days 1-14 of your cycle, or if you feel you are very low in estrogen and need extra attention, you can try using it every day.
  • Anovulatory Cycles - I am having periods, but not ovulating. What should I do?
    Sometimes none of your ovarian follicles reach the finish line, and you do not ovulate, but you can still bleed. This is common with PCOS. You have estrogen, but you did not ovulate. So your progesterone does not increase, yet your uterine lining still must shed. If you are tracking your Basal Body Temperature (BBT), it will not rise the two weeks before your period. This is OK to happen occasionally - it is not uncommon in healthy women. It is only a problem if that is happening consistently (i.e. you are never ovulating). If you are experiencing this and would like additional guidance, please reach out to the Rowe Casa Hormone Specialists for personalized recommendations, by sending an email to and provide any relevant background and they will respond back to you in 2-3 days or less with a personalized plan.
  • Menopause versus Perimenopause
    The average age for menopause is anywhere from 45-55. The average age for perimenopause is up to 12 years before that – so as young as 35! Perimenopause = increased estrogen and decreased progesterone. The 2-12 years leading up to menopause is the most symptomatic. Estrogen roller coaster* 20% of women will have dramatic ups and downs of estrogen. Progesterone begins to decline, leading to symptoms like: Hot flashes Sleep problems Mood swings Heavy periods Migraines Weight gain Solution: Support progesterone, metabolize estrogen, reduce inflammation (P-Boost, Menopause Support, T-Balance, Relief, Antioxidant Infusion, Elderberry, Magnesium) Menopause = 1 year after your last period. (OR surgical menopause with a total hysterectomy) You will now be low in estrogen, progesterone, etc. Solution: Menopause Support, P-Boost, T-Balance, Magnesium Spray or Cream
  • I struggle with high estrogen, what are some other factors to consider?
    Estrogen Excess can lead to heavy periods, breast tenderness, PMS, fibroids. Estrogen metabolism is the healthy removal or detoxification of estrogen from your body. Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDC) such as: pesticides, solvents, fire retardants, mercury, plastic softeners (BPA) impair healthy estrogen metabolism, alter hormone levels, and interfere with hormone receptors. (EDC is linked to an increase in PCOS, endometriosis, etc.).
  • Shelf Life & Storage
    TruColor™ Natural Food Colors have an extended shelf life when stored in a dry form, in this arid state, just like a piece of dehydrated fruit there is very little water activity and mold, yeast or bacteria simply cannot grow. The manufacturer guarantee's every color for a period of one year if stored properly (Kept dry, away from moisture, direct light & heat) unlike other so called “Natural” brands that sell you mostly water and or glycerin and a shelf life of a few months.
  • Achieving Red with Natural Colors
    TruColor Red and TruColor Super Red With any natural color it is always best to test and color a small amount in your icing to see the results first before committing to making a whole batch. TruColor Red Paste Powder is a super strength natural red color that you may need to add an acid to show a brilliant red hue in icing or dough. Icing that will continue to darken over several hours, always make your icing a shade lighter that you want the finished icing color to be, almost all colors will deepen on the surface as they dry, this is called “oxidation” TruColor Red and Super Red are derived from Red Radish, Purple Carrot and blends of other TruColor” products made with vegetables and fruits. TruColor Natural red colors derived from an Anthocyanin (berries and some vegetables) and as mentioned need an acidic medium by replacing the suggested amount of water with lemon juice to dissolve the TruColor powder. The Citric Acid and Ascorbic Acid (vitamin C) in the lemon juice will lower the pH and help change the red color to a true red. Without adding a wholesome food acid, you will only achieve a “berry” color which is nice but not the red you want for icing on a fire engine cake or cookie! Royal Icing is hard to color, and you need to make sure that your TruColor powder is completely dissolved or you may see specs of undissolved color in your icing. Royal Icing is thick and foamy so it absorbs color easily and it often takes more of any type of color to get a dark shade. Although it is possible to get very nice shades when blended “into” icing or dough it often can be more effective and less expensive to achieve brilliant hues and shades by painting on the surface of dry royal icing with an airbrush or a paint brush when using natural colors. RED “LEMON” ROYAL ICING: To make a brilliant natural red color from anthocyanins you must have patience as you will need to continuously add a wholesome food acid and let the red color develop over a period of time. Natural red that is derived from certain berries and vegetables need an acid to bring out a true red hue. Naturally occurring food acids include citric acid from citrus fruits, tartaric Acid or Potassium bitartrate is a byproduct of wine making (Cream of Tartar) and malic acid found in apples are referred to as wholesome acids, and is the reason that many natural fruits have that unique tart taste found in cranberries, grapes, berries, plums, cherries, oranges, lemons, guava, grapefruits, pineapples, apples, peaches and other fruits with seeds. Using the “Lemon Royal Icing” Recipe below add 5 grams TruColor Red to Two Cups of the below described “thick” royal icing, add color and lemon juice getting as dark of a color as possible then cover and refrigerate overnight to let the red color “develop” even more before using. For an even deeper red appearance add an additional 1/4th teaspoon TruColor purple carrot dissolved in several drops of lemon juice. Continue to add lemon juice and blend into your “thick” royal icing mixture until you thin the icing and reach a consistency where you can pipe it through a decorating bag. Natural colors will deepen over time and your red color will also continue to develop and darken when it is stored and darken even more as the icing dries on you cookie. "Lemon Royal Icing Recipe" Ingredients: 2.5 oz Distilled Water 2 tsp Vanilla Extract 2.5 tsp Lemon Juice Concentrate 1/2 tsp Cream of Tarter 2 Tbsp Egg White Powder 540 g Powdered Sugar ​ Directions: Sift Powdered Sugar Mix all ingredients except "powdered sugar" in a bowl with a whisk until foamy. Let sit for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, strain egg white mixture with a mesh sieve to remove any lumps. Mix on the lowest setting for 8 minutes, then on medium for 2 minutes (for a total of 10 minutes). Your Icing should now be very stiff.
  • Free from: FD&C Dyes, Preservatives, GMO, and Big 8 Allergens*
    No FD&C Dyes – No Preservatives – Big 8 Allergen Free* – GMO Free** A “Tru” American Innovation, we are dedicated to providing a healthy alternative to synthetic ingredients with artificial preservatives. TruColor™ Natural Colors that are free of FD&C dyes, free of artificial preservatives and free of “Big 8” allergens including milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shell fish, tree nuts*, peanuts, wheat and soy. TruColor™ is Gluten Free and free of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO FREE) ** At TruColor™ we have spent years developing our natural colors with vitamins, antioxidants, polyphenols and phytonutrients (Plant Nutrients) that keep your body working properly and may help prevent disease. *Annatto color is not on the FDA list of nuts, it is important to know that a small fraction of some people with peanut or nut sensitivities report having cross reactions to the annatto seed. **TruColor™ Caramel clinically test GMO Free, however it may initiate GMO label requirements in the EU due to traceability to source requirements. (U.S. Corn) Please check the label for these ingredients if you may be sensitive. ***TruColor Brown is made from Organic Cane Syrup and is GMO & Corn free.
  • Coloring Fondant or Gum Paste using TruColor
    When adding color to fondant or gum paste, use less than the recommended equal parts of water to concentrate the color so you don’t break down your fondant or make it too sticky. Start by weighing out your desired amount of TruColor Gel Paste Powder into a separate small container, that you will use to reconstitute. Use a dropper and drip drops of water to hydrate the powder, using the least amount of water possible. Best results are achieved when the wet TruColor™ is very concentrated and completely dissolved. Make sure the concentrated color is completely dissolved before folding in or adding to fondant or icing or you may see specks of undissolved color. TruColor Yellow and any color that has “Turmeric” on the ingredient label will take more water to hydrate as this color is naturally thicker. Once completely dissolved, transfer a small amount of the gel paste to the fondant or gum paste and fold the dye in until you have a uniform color. Continue adding additional gel paste to achieve a darker, more rich color - or add additional uncolored fondant to achieve a lighter shade. Continue adding additional gel paste to achieve a darker, more rich color - or add additional uncolored fondant to achieve a lighter shade. If your fondant has Acetic Acid or the shortening in your buttercream icing is stabilized with Citric Acid you will need to bring up the pH by adding small pinches of dissolved Baking soda to neutralize the acid that is already in your icing.
  • Changing Colors: Creating More Vibrant Colors
    Always test a small amount of natural color in what you are trying to color first before committing to a large batch. Most will get fantastic and desired results when using TruColor™ natural food colors, because of the variables involved when using natural colors, results may not be as you expected, take a moment to familiarize yourself with natural colors and take into account all the individual ingredients you are trying to color. Like with many things, when using natural colors for the first time, it is always best to test a small amount of a natural color in what you are trying to color to see the results first. When using natural colors, you may also have to consider if a particular natural color is “heat stable” or not and that some natural colors bake well other do not. Generally colors derived from an Anthocyanin source will brown with heat. Yellow made with color derived from Turmeric Root and Orange from the Annatto Seed are generally heat stable. Understanding Anthocyanin and creating exciting different colors from TruColor Purple Grape & Purple Carrot. The natural color pigment in TruColor™ Purple Grape and the Purple Carrot extracts are super concentrated “Anthocyanin” extracts. Icing colored with the natural color pigment “Anthocyanin” will change or shift hue from red to blue with every increment increase or decrease in pH. You can change the color yourself by adding or neutralizing the acidic content of your icing with natural household items such as lemon juice to lower the pH or baking soda to raise the pH. Check out the experiment down below from Tundes Creations. Anthocyanin is the name given to the color pigment in many plants that range from red to blue and is found in berries, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, grapes and certain vegetables including red cabbage and purple carrot. Anthocyanin is a “pH indicator”, meaning these natural colors actually change color based on the pH and when you raise or lower the pH (or acid content) you will see a shift in color. All the beautiful colors found in a pansy flower are Anthocyanin pigments with varying amounts of acid present or absent in the flower. Using TruColor Purple Grape and Purple Carrot by the “Gingerbread Artist” Tunde Dugantsi: She experiments using these two TruColor products: TruColor Purple Carrot Gel Paste Powder and TruColor Purple Grape Gel Paste Powder. The Purple Grape has only 1 ingredient: purple grape skin extract. The Purple Carrot has 2: purple carrot extract, citric acid. In order to avoid the use of preservatives, they come in powder form. You have to reconstitute them by mixing with a little distilled water before use. And the most fun part is, they change color according to the acidity (pH) of your food. This can be a disadvantage if you can not adjust the acidity of your food, but it is actually pretty cool if you can. First Up: Purple Carrot In the little containers she mixed TruColor Purple Carrot Gel Paste Powder with distilled water and added lemon juice (left - most acidic) or baking soda (right - least acidic/most basic) to it to achieve different colors. Then she used a simple royal icing recipe (just egg whites and confectioners sugar). Because egg white is a natural base, adding TruColor Purple Carrot Gel Paste resulted in blue icing (farthest right). All she had to do was to add more and more lemon juice. Pro Tip: Adding additional lemon juice, may result in a thinner texture of icing, this can be corrected by adding some more confectioners sugar to maintain the piping consistency. All of these flowers were made with the same TruColor Purple Carrot Gel Paste Powder coloring. You only need one jar of coloring to create all these beautiful colors. (And by playing with the quantity of the coloring I could make hundreds of shades. These flowers all have the same saturation, they were all altered from the blue you see at the right side). As they are from the same natural color, they look gorgeous together too. And here are the cookies made with these little Purple Carrot flowers. She also used TruColor Yellow Gel Paste Powder for the middle of the flowers and TruColor Leaf Green Gel Paste Powder for the leaves. Up Next: Purple Grape She repeated the exact same steps with the Purple Grape color. In the little containers she mixed TruColor Purple Grape Gel Paste Powder with distilled water and added lemon juice (left - most acidic) or baking soda (right - least acidic/most basic) to it to achieve different colors. The result was almost the same. Only the shades are a little different. Then she used a simple royal icing recipe (just egg whites and confectioners sugar). Again, because egg white is a natural base, adding TruColor Purple Grape Gel Paste resulted in blue icing (farthest right). All she had to do was to add more lemon juice. All of these flowers were made with the same TruColor Purple Grape Gel Paste Powder coloring. As they are from the same natural color, they look gorgeous together too. And here are the cookies made with these little Purple Grape flowers. I don't know if you noticed, but during the few days I was waiting for sunshine to make the pictures, her Leaf Green colored leaves faded. They became pretty light, some of them even a little yellowish. So she decided to try one more technique on them: She painted directly onto the already dried leaves on these cookies using TruColor Green Shine Gel Paste Powder, reconstituted with distilled water. And on the cookie below, she painted TruColor Pearl Shine Gel Paste Powder directly onto to the already dried flowers and leaves.
  • Artificial Food Dyes: Linked to Cancer, ADHD and Allergies
    These days it’s ordinary to cool off with a magenta popsicle or quench thirst with a neon green sports drink. Vibrantly colored foods have become the norm, but studies show that popular food dyes carry profound risks. The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) recently published a comprehensive report called “Food Dyes: A Rainbow of Risks” which details the inherent risks of nine different dyes widely used in common foods. The report reveals that common food dyes pose risks of cancer, hyperactivity in children, and allergies. The food industry dumps over 15 million pounds of the dyes studied into the food supply each year. Three of the dyes carry known carcinogens, and 4 can cause serious allergic reactions in some consumers. New studies show that seven of them contributed to cancer in lab animals, including brain and testicular tumors, colon cancer, and mutations. “These synthetic chemicals do absolutely nothing to improve the nutritional quality or safety of foods, but trigger behavior problems in children and, possibly, cancer in anybody,” said CSPI executive director Michael F. Jacobson. James Huff, an associate at the National Toxicology Program commented, “Some dyes have caused cancers in animals, contain cancer-causing contaminants, or have been inadequately tested for cancer or other problems. Their continued use presents unnecessary risks to humans, especially young children. It’s disappointing that the [U.S. Food and Drug Administration] has not addressed the toxic threat posed by food dyes.” CSPI mailed a letter to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) last week detailing a request that food dyes be banned in the United States to protect consumers. CSPI charges that the FDA is failing to enforce the law in the following ways:- ”Red 3 and Citrus Red 2 should be banned under the Delaney amendment, because they caused cancer in rats (some uses were banned in 1990), as should Red 40, Yellow 5, and Yellow 6, which are tainted with cancer-causing contaminants. Evidence suggests, though does not prove, that Blue 1, Blue 2, Green 3, Red 40 and Yellow 6 cause cancer in animals. There is certainly not “convincing evidence” of safety.- Dyed foods should be considered adulterated under the law, because the dyes make a food “appear better or of greater value than it is”–typically by masking the absence of fruit, vegetable or other more costly ingredient.” CSPI charges that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) knows about the health risks imposed by the presence of these dyes, but has not acted to protect consumers. Despite the risks, Red 3 remains in our food supply today, with over 200,000 pounds poured into processed foods each year, including ConAgra’s Kid Cuisine frozen meals and Betty Crocker’s Fruit Roll-Ups. Experts admit that in order to conclusively state the extent of harm imposed by these dyes more comprehensive testing should take place. Many consumer advocacy groups are calling on the FDA to carry out its own tests on the dyes if the results of these other tests are not conclusive. British lawmakers reacted to the findings of these studies and already forced companies to phase out the harmful dyes served in Britain before January of this year. Additionally, the European Union passed a law that goes into effect on July 20 requiring companies to post a notice on each dyed product sold in Europe. The notice states, “May have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children.”This law is expected to encourage the companies still using these dyes to completely eliminate them inside all of Europe over the next year. Color is used to attract consumers, and the good news is that synthetic, petroleum-based dyes are not irreplaceable. There are a lot of natural dyes that can be used to brighten food. Blueberry juice concentrate, carrot juice, paprika, grape skin extract, beet juice, purple sweet potato, corn, and red cabbage are just a few alternative dyes. CSPI names a few stark differences in foods served in the United States and Europe in the report. In Britain, Fanta orange soda is dyed with pumpkin and carrot extract while the U.S. version is dyed with Red 40 and Yellow 6. Kellogg Strawberry NutriGrain bars are colored with Red 40, Yellow 6 and Blue 1 in the U.S., but with beetroot, annatto and paprika extract in the UK. McDonald’s Strawberry Sundaes are colored with strawberries in Britain but with Red dye 40 in America. Consumer advocacy groups are calling on the FDA to enact similar policies in the United States. These groups argue that we deserve real strawberries too. Article by: Laurel Curran, © Food Safety News, July 8th, 2010
  • Heat Stability: Baking with Natural Dyes
    TruColor Natural Gel Paste Powder colors were specifically designed for buttercream icing, they can also be used in dough or any product you want to color without it breaking down. When using natural colors, you may also have to consider if a particular natural color is “heat stable” or not and that some natural colors bake well other do not. Generally colors derived from an Anthocyanin source will brown with heat. Yellow made with color derived from Turmeric Root and Orange from the Annatto Seed are generally heat stable.
  • Still have Questions?
    Do not hesitate to email our team at or call us at +1 (574) 200-3112 and our team will be happy to provide additional assistance.
  • How to Hydrate & Decorate using TruColor
    TruColor Natural Food Color Paints and Gel Paste Powders are easy to use, simply add water to Hydrate and Decorate. TruColor™ Natural Gel Paste Powder and Natural Food Color Paints are “State of the Art” Natural approved Food Colors that are sold in a dry powder form that the end user “Hydrates & Decorates” and they are unlike any other natural color you have ever used! Available in AMAZING unprecedented rainbow of natural color hues and shades! TruColor™ Natural Food Colors have an extended shelf life when stored in a dry form, in this arid state, just like a piece of dehydrated fruit there is very little water activity and mold, yeast or bacteria simply cannot grow. Gel Paste Powder: The starting point ratio for the Gel Paste Powder is 1:1 (one part water to one part powder). Airbrush Powder: The starting point ratio for the Natural Food Color Paint Powder is 2:1 (two parts water to one part powder). Pro Tip: Use less water to make the color thicker or add more water to make the color thinner. For example, you will want to use less water for a thicker dye when coloring fondant. TruColor Yellow and any color that has “Turmeric” on the ingredient label will take more water to hydrate as this color is naturally thicker. It is important to know that there are differences in natural and artificial food colors, Most will get fantastic and desired results, because and all the variables sometimes results may not be as you expected, that is why we are here to support every customer. Make sure the color powder is completely dissolved before adding to icing or fondant, otherwise you may see specs of undissolved color in your final product. To make bold, rick natural color, add color to small amounts of icing or add small amounts of icing into the colored gel paste until you reach a shade just lighter than you want the finished product to look. The natural color will darken slightly as it dries in the icing. If you add a small amount of natural color into a large batch of icing, you may only achieve pastel shades. Often it is more effective and uses much less natural color to simply paint a design onto the surface of your cookie or cake with a brush or airbrush on the surface of the icing after it forms a slight dry crust. When painting you rarely have to worry about what pH, heat or other variables that may change a natural color. An example would be TruColor Black, when added into a commercial fondant with an acidic preservative, the black color will shift towards purple because of the decrease in pH caused by the acid. The best natural black color in the world can be achieved by painting TruColor on the surface of most food products with a slight dry crust.
  • TruColor's Natural Statement
    Color additives are regulated by the FDA as “Certified” (Synethetic Colors) or “Exempt from Certification” (Commonly refered to as Natural) TruColor™ Natural Food Colors are “Exempt from Certification” by the FDA and are considered “Clean Label” they do not contain petroleum based synethetic FD&C dyes or artificial preservatives. TruColor™ is “Exempt from Certification” where purity and use standards are regulated and batch certification is not required by the FDA to protect public health because TruColor™ is derived from plants, fruits, vegetables, roots seeds and minerals and do not pose a threat for consumers health. TruColor, LLC applies the following internal definition to the term natural: A Finished Color Additive derived from naturally occurring raw materials that were processed without modifying the native chemical structure of the materials and or the combined natural structural components are derived from plants, minerals and or are nature identical in composition.
  • What is pH?
    Simply stated, the term pH is a used as a scale measure the activity of hydrogen ions in a liquid with numbers from 0 to 14 used to identify whether or not there is an acid present or not. A pH reading of 7 is neutral (not acidic or basic). Below 7 shows an acid is present, with 0 being the most acidic. Above 7 is termed basic or alkaline, with 14 being the most basic. To help understand the concept that an acid will change the color in plants, think of various colors in the Hydrangea flower bloom. You can change and manipulate the color of the flowers of this plant from blue to red by adding or removing an acid (lowering or raising the pH) in the soil. The color changing process of the hydrangea is slightly different, however it demonstrates how natural colors show different hues with an acid present.
  • Directions for Use
    GEL PASTE: (1:1 RATIO) ½ water tsp. to ½ tsp. powder (Less water for fondant) When adding color to fondant or gum paste, use less than the recommended equal parts of water to concentrate the color so you don’t break down your fondant or make it too sticky, Use a dropper and drip drops of water to hydrate the powder, using the least amount of water possible. Best results are achieved when the wet TruColor™ is very concentrated and completely dissolved. Make sure the concentrated color is completely dissolved before folding in or adding to fondant or icing or you may see specks of undissolved color. TruColor Yellow and any color that has “Turmeric” on the ingredient label will take more water to hydrate as this color is naturally thicker. AIRBRUSH: (2:1 RATIO) ½ water and or alcohol to ¼ powder for shine colors. Water for best results for most colors, the yellow airbrush color will dissolve and spray well with just alcohol. Create the shade you desire: If you want a darker color add less water or a lighter color add more water, count drips or weigh product and water to duplicate color strength or replicate shade. All TruColor™ Food Color Paint and Airbrush Color have been pH adjusted so there is no need to manipulate them with an acid (Lemon Juice) or base (Baking Soda). It is important to spray or paint the colors on a “Dry” Surface of almost any food, Fondant, gum paste leaves or butter cream left to sit to form a slight crust. When completely dissolving the airbrush color powder you want to make a very light syrup consistency to cover nicely when sprayed, just thicker than water, but not too thick that you can’t pour it into your airbrush gun. The Light reflective “Shine” colors made with natural minerals will always spray better with a “Siphon” airbrush or an airbrush gun that has a bottle underneath the airbrush gun, however most airbrush guns will work without the fine spray tip. Mica particles like to settle to the bottom of the cup, lay flat and block the orifice.
  • What is TruColor Natural Food Color?
    A “Tru” American innovation, TruColor™ is made in the USA, is less expensive and more potent than other brands that offer natural color that simply cannot match the stability, hue, shade and brilliance of TruColor™. TruColor™ Purple Grape & Purple Carrot are unprecedented in natural color strength, 10 grams will color at least 25 pounds of icing a deep rich color! What’s more? TruColor is free of Artificial Preservatives! TruColor™ Natural Gel Paste Powder is AMAZING and is more stable to ultraviolet light than the synthetic colors! TruColor™ Gel Paste is not like any other color gel, it is not made from synthetic cellulose gum and or modified food starch, yet has all the functions of a premium gel paste.
  • Products, Colors, and Applications
    TruColor Natural Gel Paste Powder colors were specifically designed for buttercream icing, they can also be used in dough or any product you want to color without it breaking down. TruColor™ Gel Paste Powder is a unique combination of all natural plant sources that helps to encapsulates or enrobe the natural color when used in a standard buttercream icing and helps to prevent bleeding from condensation when thawing if frozen. You will be able to pipe rich dark lines of color across a bed of white icing and the color will not bleed into the white icing field! It is important to know that there are differences in natural and artificial food colors, Most will get fantastic and desired results, because and all the variables sometimes results may not be as you expected, that is why we are here to support every customer. Currently at The Polka Dot Tail, we stock the following colors in the TruColor Natural Gel Paste Powders: In addition, we also stock the following colors of TruColor Natural Sanding Sugars for decorating in place of sprinkles:
  • Achieving Black with Natural Colors
    TruColor™ “Black” Gel Paste Powder is made with a fruit juice anthocyanin and requires a neutral to basic pH to get a “Tru” black shade. A small 5 gram jar will color ¼ pound of buttercream icing made with real butter and cream or water to a deep black shade and up to ½ pound of icing a grey color that will darken to show a black shade overnight. If your fondant has Acetic Acid or the shortening in your buttercream icing is stabilized with Citric Acid you will need to bring up the pH by adding small pinches of dissolved Baking soda to neutralize the acid that is already in your icing. Buttercream Icing made with real butter is naturally pH neutral, simply add the dissolved TruColor™ Black into real butter cream made from butter and cream (milk or water) to achieve a dark black shade as these ingredients are naturally neutral! A simply way to get a deep black shade is to simply paint with a paint brush or airbrush TruColor™ Black Natural Food Color Paint on the surface of your creation after the icing has had time to dry. Using this method of only applying color on the surface you take advantage of using natural colors to attain the deepest shade possible using the least amount of color.
  • Examples of Cakes and Cookies using TruColor
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